Prorate Amount between Two Dates
Calculate the prorated amount, whether annual proration of a charge or monthly proration of a charge. Useful for software subscription charges, tenant rent calculations, and more.
Dates are inclusive! Example for year 2025:
- If Start of Period is January 1 and End of Period is December 31, there are 365 days in the period.
- If Prorate-To Date is January 31, the proration period is 31 days (8.49%) of the 365 day period.
- If the Full Amount (i.e. amount to prorate) is $100, the proration result is $8.49.
Another Example: if your contract renews annually on April 1, enter a Start Date of April 1, 2025, and an End Date of March 30, 2026, or else you’ll have an extra day.
We’ve confirmed this calculator is accurate as of October 28, 2024. Apologies for incorrect calculations prior to that. If you ever find any errors or have enhancement requests, please Contact Us.